Practice private massage therapist jobs are available for educated and licenced private massage therapists. Before you decide on this career adventure, contact an accredited facility such as cortiva institute to find out if it’s the right career for you. In private practice massage therapist jobs, there is an entrepreneurial desire to build strong clientele relationships, maintain innovation in services and continuing education, and to hone your business skills. Private practice massages or massage therapist jobs are often run by licensed massage therapists who want to go into the business of running and maintaining a business clinic. You can choose to own your own private massages or massage practice or work underneath a private practice owner. Often, many massage therapists will work together under one roof, sharing the expense of leasing and equipment fees. This is considered a private practice co-operative, where each private massages therapist is responsible for his or her own business, but can also help and rely on the others.
Private practice private massages therapist jobs are best suited for people interested in the business end of clinical ownership. This includes advertising, customer service, bookkeeping, overhead, and maintaining city business licences.
Practices Massage Buisness
Diposting oleh Man Private Massage
Rekomendasi: Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage for Man, Massage Hotel, Massage Spa
Tips Menghindari Rasa Sakit setelah Massage
MUNGKIN lebih banyak orang yang suka dipijat daripada tidak. Bagi yang suka, dipijat setiap minggu di tempat yang bersih dan nyaman benar-benar membuat rileks. Ada yang suka dengan teknik urut menggunakan massage oil, ada pula yang suka Private Massage “enak” alias tidak terlalu sakit.
Di lain pihak, banyak pula yang tidak suka dipijat karena geli atau tidak tahan sakit.
Orang yang rutin melakukan private massage biasanya menginginkan teknik pijatan harus benar-benar menyentuh otot yang meregang akibat terlalu letih bekerja. Misalnya, berkonsentrasi pada pundak, leher, atau kaki. Rasa sakit yang ditimbulkan rasanya menjadi pertanda bahwa otot-otot yang semula tumpang-tindih menjadi teratur sesuai jalurnya kembali. Ketika keluar dari tempat pijat, tubuh terasa ringan.
Namun keesokan hari, biasanya Anda justru baru merasakan efek dari private massage ekstra keras sehari sebelumnya. Bagian tubuh yang dipijat terasa babak-belur. Batang kayu yang semula seperti dipasang di pundak memang telah hilang, sebagai gantinya Anda merasa seperti baru dipukuli preman.
Yang menjadi pertanyaan sekarang, mengapa sehabis dipijat (private massage) tubuh malah terasa sakit?
Intensitas. Beberapa jenis pemijatan dapat disamakan dengan berolahraga. Misalnya pemijatan otot dan shiatsu. Pijatan dan private massage sering melibatkan manipulasi otot secara ekstensif yang lalu diterjemahkan sebagai rasa sakit, karena tubuh tidak terbiasa terhadap manipulasi ini. Thai Massage adalah contoh lain pemijatan yang melibatkan pelenturan dan peregangan otot. Jika Anda mengalami ketegangan otot, maka Anda juga akan merasa sakit usai dipijat.
Detox. Sebagian teknik pijat (private massage) yang lain bersifat melepaskan racun dari otot. Hal ini pun akan mengakibatkan kesakitan karena tubuh sedang berusaha untuk melepaskan racun ini. Sebaiknya Anda minum banyak air putih sebelum dan sesudah dipijat untuk membersihkan tubuh dari racun dengan lebih cepat.
Jika Anda menginginkan teknik pemijatan yang tidak terlalu intens, Anda bisa mencoba Swedish Massage atau Lomi Lomi. Lomi Lomi adalah teknik pijat dari Hawaii di mana terapis akan meminta Anda untuk berdoa sebelum dipijat untuk memperoleh keseimbangan.
Sedangkan pada Swedish Massage, terapi menggunakan sejumlah tekanan (secara superfisial) untuk mencapai otot seperti getaran, tepukan, remasan, usapan, dan gesekan, untuk melemaskan otot dan melancarkan peredaran darah.
Untuk mengurangi rasa sakit seusai dipijat, Anda bisa mandi dengan air panas atau melakukan sauna. Hal ini akan menjaga agar otot tetap rileks, dan mengeluarkan racun melalui keringat yang dihasilkan saat sauna.
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Rekomendasi: back massage, body massage, japanese massage, Man Massage, massage services, massage therapist, massage therapy, spa massage, sports massage, thai massage
How to Give Someone a Sensual Massage
- Step 1
One time several years ago, I had a young lady ask me to give her a massage. I agreed to do it, but what I didn't tell her was that I had a lot of other things on my mind. As I massaged her she said, "If you're going to massage me, at least pretend like you're enjoying it!" I was totally shocked that she could sense that I didn't have my mind on what my hands were doing. If you close your eyes and totally think about everything you're hands are doing, the lucky recipient will sense it. Think about every curve and every contour your hands slide across. Get really into it! Your hands don't have to wander off course for the person to sense that you're thinking about doing that.
- Step 2
Get an idea of what kind of massages a person likes. Sometimes people want massages to relieve pain and other times it's just to relax. Some like a firm massage and others like their massage to be soft.
- Step 3
Pay close attention to how the recipient of your massage is responding. How relaxed they look, the tone of their voice and other subtle things. This will let you know if you're doing the right things.
- Step 4
Using oils or lotions can definitely add to a sensual massage. I prefer lotions because it's thicker and will lubricate the skin longer. This is not just for sensual effect but it's also good for making the hand slide easily while holding firmly. Scents added to the lotion can be a very important mood enhancer.
- Step 5
Make sure the atmosphere is just right. Find a quiet place, maybe turn on some soft background music. Keep the lights dimmed. Try to find a location that feels somewhat recluse and private. (
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Massage Hotel, Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage Spa, Massage for Man
Diposting oleh Man Private Massage
Rekomendasi: Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage for Man, Massage Hotel, Massage Spa
Sensual Touch Massage
The combination of scent and touch is extremely effective in opening up intimacy between two people. That's basically how we communicate love in an effective way, a way that doesn't involve having to discuss the subject a great deal. It also works wonderfully on a basic physical level. There are a lot of nerve endings that follow along the path of the spine. As you massage, your touch brings the blood to the surface, you speed the absorption of the oils into the skin, and you also bring up the level of oxytocin, the hormone needed in high levels for the process of sexual arousal.
Massage is an especially good thing for men to focus on. Women often need the kind of attention it gives them o feel comfortable with proceeding on to more intimate activities. The nurturing, caring-for aspect of romance is extremely important between two people. You will have more interesting and intense erotic experiences if you're involved on all levels with each other. And touch and scent are the best ways of really opening some of those deeper levels.
A backrub is something that everyone can relate to positively and that's a good place to start. Using oils will make it quite a different, and far more exciting, experience.
Begin the massage with a small amount of your chosen aromatherapy oil, just a teaspoon or so. Rub the oil in the palms of your hands to warm it up before it touches your partner's skin. Cold oil poured on a back will quickly produce about twice as much tension as was there before you started!
There are certain basic message techniques designed to relieve tension, that are very effective. Tension tends to accumulate in the neck, shoulders and upper back in women, and in the lower back and buttocks in men. The really important thing is not how you do the massage. The idea is not to become an expert masseuse or masseur. This is a seduction ritual! Be creative and playful.
The Welcoming Press: With your lover lying face down, straddle him or her or kneel at their side. Gently press down on your partner's shoulders, and on either side of the spine. Do not press directly on the spin at any time during the massage. This stroke gives your partner a few moments to get used to the feeling of your hands on their skin.
The Back Warmer: Now begin to warm your lover's back. With a flat hand, fingers together, palm in contact with the skin, move the hands in parallel lines up either side of the spine, then out and across the shoulders, and down the sides of the torso.
Kneading: Working as deeply as is comfortable for your partner, use your fingers to knead the muscles of the back, starting with the neck and shoulders and working your way down. Go slowly and use additional oil as necessary.
Raking: Spread your fingers and, keeping them somewhat stiff, rake them down the back from shoulders to buttocks. This releases deep, underlying tissue tensions.
Lower Back: The lower back and sacrum (the downward-pointing triangle located between the buttocks at the end of the spine) can become congested and tender, especially in premenstrual women. Lightly massage this area with small, circular strokes on buttocks, hips and upper thighs. With a man, use lower back spirals. Starting at the top of the crack between the buttocks use your thumbs to make small spirals upwards along either side of the tailbone to the top of the sacrum, then press your thumbs along the top of the hips and move them out, across and down the side of the body to the floor. Repeat several times.
Buttocks: Try "Thumbs over the Mountain." Starting at the bottom, press your thumbs firmly into the flesh of the buttocks and follow the curve up, around, and down the side of the hips. This can be a tender and sensitive area, so use only as much pressure as your lover can comfortably tolerate. Return to the first position and move your thumbs apart slightly to describe a second curved line that is parallel to and outside the first, continuing until you have no curve left to follow. Repeat several times.
Thighs: Once you get to your lover's thighs, you may find yourself getting distracted and decide to shift your focus to other kinds of touching. Or you may want to try out some massage strokes of your own design. Or you can ask your partner to turn over and continue the massage with a few more strokes to the front of the body.
Shoulder and Chest Presses: Kneeling behind your partner, as he or she is lying face up, press down on the shoulders and hold. Ask your partner to take a deep, releasing breath, and let the essential oils work their magic as you increase the pressure of your hands slightly. At the end of the exhalation, release. Slide your hands up and over your lover's collar bone and press very gently. Have them take a deep breath as you hold, then release. Now move your hands to the center of the chest, (between a woman's breasts) and, laying one hand on top of the other, press very gently. Have your partner take a deep breath and release.
Sexual Energy Release Points, Neck and Ears: Encourage your lover to breathe in a deep and relaxing manner as you gently massage their neck, making small circles over the release points on the upper neck and about halfway up the ears. If the massage is a prelude to lovemaking, now is a really good time to let the kissing begin. Remember, too, that a woman's breasts are highly charged with erotic energy and can create a dramatic arousal response when massaged or caressed.
Improvise! Well, you're on your own from here. Relax, improvise and be creative, you'll do just fine! (
Massage Hotel, Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage Spa, Massage for Man
Diposting oleh Man Private Massage
Rekomendasi: Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage for Man, Massage Hotel, Massage Spa
Sensual Massage Tips - Tips for Intimate Massage
Partners in intimacy must rub each other the right way. Intimacy should not be a timed event. An idea approach to enhanced foreplay is through erotically sensual massage to heighten and arouse the erotic senses for a tour de force in a sexual encounter. The primary aspect, among sensual massage tips, is to realize and comprehend that such an arousing and intimate experience is to be languorous, lengthy and erotic in nature. An expansive amount of intimate contact and nudity is inclusive of such a level of eroticism.
Preparation, among the initial sensual massage tips, incorporates a few accessories to accommodate the erotically sensual massage. Enhance and supply the setting for where intimacy will take place with the following items, as sensual massage tips - appealing scented candles, incense of a conducive fragrance, CD player, CDs of a romantic variety, clean towels, a clean flat sheet and massage oil of a variety that suits both partners.
Sensual massage tips, in regards to setting the mood and tone, should be adequately arranged. The first tips, among such, are to lock the door, close the blinds or curtains, and turn off cellular phones, phones and pagers, all, in order to provide an uninterrupted environment. Secondly, within these initial tips, is to prepare the surface, be it a bed, sofa, or actual massage table, for the massage, by providing rolled towels for the purposes of neck and knee rests. Another option, in this same vein, is to implement extra pillows, slipped into clean cases that will laundry easily.
For the third tip, amid such preparations, is to spread the clean flat sheet over the massage surface, again, whether it is a bed, sofa or massage table, in order to guard against stains from the massage oil. In the progression of sensual massage tips, flood the room with sensually enhanced lighting. Eliminate the use of glaring lights. Use sheer fabrics to drape over accent or floor lamps to set a passionate mood. Place and light the candles.
Set out and light the incense. Should one not wish to incorporate incense into the scene, a room freshening spray is an acceptable alternative. Conveniently set out cool water for purposes of hydration. Within handy reach, also set out the massage oil, along with a couple of extra towels for wiping. Prepare and set up the CD player, with the CDs ready to play. Lastly, among these preparations in this sequence of sensual massage tips, both partners should shower; shave, as appropriate, and trim nails.
For the following sensual massage tips is to begin with each partner communicating, intimately and passionately, about the erotic connotation of this type of massage. As a prequel in sensual massage tips to the actual commencement of the massage, being by kissing, touching each other's face, and gazing into each other's eyes, all, in order to establish the connecting process. Proceed then to climbing atop the surface on where the sensually erotic massage will occur. At this point, the rolled towels and pillows should be arranged to comfortably accommodate each partner.
Amid the preliminary sensual massage tips is to engage in gently and softly stroking one another's bodies, or, with one partner stroking the other's body, with only the fingertips. Begin at the back, then slowly progress upwards to the shoulders, and on down along the arms, then to the buttocks, further down to the thighs, and, eventually, all the way to the calves. Lightness of stroke is the key in this beginning phase of the massage.
Now it is at the point that the sensual massage tips incorporate the usage of the selected massage oil. A partner, or both partners, if it's a mutual massage, will pour approximately two tablespoons of the oil into the palm of a hand, and then rub both hands together, in order to evenly distribute the oil, as well as to warm it, for the purpose of massaging. Again, begin at the back, using long and deep stroking.
At this point, it is necessary for the partner or partners involved to inquire of each other as to the intensity of strokes, to determine if such stroking is too hard or too soft. It is important to keep the hands in contact with the other partner at all times throughout this stroking process. Among enhanced sensual massage tips calculate your time amid each and every stroke, and develop a sensitive and rhythmic manner. Vary the stroking, from glidingly long strokes to deep and short strokes. (
Massage Hotel, Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage Spa, Massage for Man
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Rekomendasi: Apartment Massage, Male Massage, Massage for Man, Massage Hotel, Massage Spa